TOPIC: Is it possible that we have never read the greatest writer ever because they have never been afforded the avenues to be published?
Is it possible that the writers we know as the greatest and hold the closest to our hearts might not actually deserve this admiration because we may never have read, or will read, the greatest writers ever because they have never been afforded, or will be afforded, the avenues to be published?
We might never read a great writer because they were never presented with the avenues of being published for whatever reason. Sounds simple enough, right? Because it is. This situation could happen with any creative endeavor because processing, marketing, and distribution cost money, and most people do not have the money to take on such a mountain of risk without outside financial backing, which is where the publishing companies, the music studios, the benefactors, movie studios, and so on enter the picture, and they just won't throw their money at anyone, especially someone they cannot control, for the most part. So as I am sitting here, clumisly sliding my fingers over my keyboard, someone who could have "The Bill and Ted" answers to world peace could be pacing in their basement, sipping on day-old coffee, formulating the greatest story ever told. And we will never read it.
The writing sample above is not world-changing by any means, and it is predictable from the start, but the wording and flow of the writing is pretty good for a Tumblr writing prompt, which made me thoughtful enough to posit the question, so it has to have some merit. Besides, I enjoy these types of stories, even if they are trite, but it also has the possible beginnings of something much, much deeper.