As you go about your daily life, it’s easy to forget all of the weird and wonderful things that are tucked away around the world. A Redditor cobbled together 19 of the strangest places on earth, reminding us all of the creepy things that could be hidden in our very towns. Dark forests, abandoned cities, strange museums and other oddities are everywhere. You just need to know how to find them.
1.) Hoia Baciu Forest (Romania): This forest is known as the “Bermuda Triangle” of Romania. Multiple people have gone missing in it, people have sighted UFOs, there has been unexplained electrical phenomena and more.
2.) The Catacombs (Paris): The Parisian catacombs are a giant ossuary and cemetary that are located beneath that city’s streets. There are approximately 6 million bodies put to rest in the catacombs. There is a city of the dead waiting to be explored beneath the city of lights.
3.) The Mütter Museum (Pennsylvania): The Mütter Museum is an institution dedicated to medical anomalies. It houses organs, bones, fetuses and statues that’ll leave you with chills. Its medical oddities, anatomical and pathological specimens, wax models, and antique medical equipment are world-famous.
4.) Varosha (Cyprus): Varosha is a completely uninhabited resort city on Cyprus’ coast. After the Turkish invasion, Varosha was quickly evacuated. Today, Varosha stands frozen displaying exactly how life was in 1974. From a distance it looks like a bustling resort town, but it is completely dead.
5.) Oradour-sur-Glane (France): This is a small French village that was decimated by the Nazis in WWII. The entire city was burned and almost every inhabitant was executed. The remnants of the village still stand today.
6.) The Door to Hell (Turkmenistan): This was once a gas field, but the Soviets set it on fire. Now, it has been burning for over 40 years. It seems that the dangerous pit of fire will never stop burning.
7.) Maunsell Sea Forts (North Sea, England): These were designed to protect England from a potential Nazi invasion during WWII. Today, they stand empty, ghosts guarding the coast (except for the occasional sea bird or vandals).
8.) Leap Castle (Ireland): The Leap Castle is reportedly one of the most haunted castles in the world. Its rumored that the hallways are patrolled by “the Elemental,” an unseen force. The castle is allegedly haunted because it hosted historic slaughters and was even built on top of a torture pit.
9.) San Zhi Resort (Taiwan): This resort was built to be a tranquil place, but because of the strange amount of deaths during the construction, it was abandoned. Now, the “pod” resort stands empty and supposedly haunted.
10.) Wonderland (China): Wonderland was supposed to be China’s version of Disneyland, but much bigger. There were construction problems with the project, leading it to be abandoned. The remains of the theme park are still in the middle of an empty field, open to adventurers.
11.) Jacob’s Well (Texas): This natural spring is over 100 feet deep. Many locals jump into the well for recreation, even though there are sharp rocks jutting out from all sides. Scuba divers explore the depths of this well, but with caution. Over the years, novice divers have perished in the well.
12.) Kryziu Kalnas “Hill Of Crosses” (Lithuania): Kryziu Kalnas was originally a ceremonial site where Lithuanians would mourn the dead lost at war. The Soviet Union bulldozed the area twice, but locals rebuilt it to be even bigger. Today, over 100,000 crosses stand on the hill.
13.) Kabayan Mummy Caves (Philippines): The Kabayan Mummy Burial Caves are manmade caves full of preserved mummies, isolated from most of the world. These mummies are some of the best preserved in the world.
14.) Muynak (Uzbekistan): Muynak was once a busy port city on the Aral Sea. The Soviet Union drained the Aral Sea for irrigation purposes, destroying Muynak and leaving the remants of a busy port sit in a desert wasteland.
15.) Centralia (Pennsylvania): This was one a busy mining town, until the coal veins under the city caught fire. This dangerous fire has been burning since 1962. The town was bandoned, except for approximately 10 people who still live there. The creepy town was the visual inspiration for the horror movie Silent Hill.
16.) Island of the Dolls (Mexico): This place is an uninhabited island in Xochimilco, Mexico. According to legend, a girl died in the canals surrounding the island, after which dolls began to wash ashore constantly. The island’s only inhabitant and caretaker then began to hang the dolls that would wash ashore in memory of the little girl.
17.) Cincinnati’s Abandoned Subway (Ohio): There were plans to build a subway system in Cincinnati in the early 1900s. The city ran out of funding, but the tunnels that were constructed are still open beneath the city, a maze that is left to be explored.
18.) Jatinga (India): Jatinga is a relatively normal town, but it’s plagued by massive bird “suicides” that happen every September – October. The en masse bird deaths occur at the end of the monsoon months, when on dark, foggy nights the bird populations are attracted to the lights of villages and are then killed by the villagers. In modern times, conservation groups have made an effort to decrease the amount of bird deaths during this season.
19.) Akodessewa Fetish Market (Togo): Over half of the population of Togo practices indigenous beliefs, requiring religious paraphernaliayou would not find in any normal market. Shrunken heads, skulls, flesh and more can be found in a fetish market like this.
Some of the strangest places on earth aren’t legitimately haunted, instead they are haunted by the memories of the horrors that were once committed there. The absence of life and positivity in a place that is just an archaic link to the past can be more chilling than any ghost story. Source: Reddit Share these strange places with others… spread the chills that go down your spine.